Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matt 11:28-29
It seems that I have been keenly aware of the weary and burdened lately. My (hero) cousin is dying of cancer. My brother and sister-in-law’s house flooded in Nashville (for the second time in a year). My Dad is facing major health issues. Many of you are suffering the pain of divorce. Gas prices are on the rise. Terrorists still want to hurt us… and on and on. This life can be gut-wrenchingly hard. Yet Jesus says… “come to me and I will give you rest.” He is rest. He is rest because I know (for certain) that I can do very little about most of the worries that come my way. Yet my gentle Savior tells me to give Him my burdens, He tells me to learn from Him and it is there that I will find rest for my soul. “Soul Rest” is not rest like the world gives. It is a deep inner rest (a peace) that is not dependent on my circumstances. “Soul Rest” comes when I focus on the truth Jesus is teaching me. “Soul Rest” comes when I remember God is good (Ps 119:68), this life is temporary (Job 7:7) and Jesus is working it all to good for those who love Him (Rom 8:28). “Soul Rest” comes when I remember the enemy will not win. “Soul Rest” comes when I remember Jesus loves those I hurt for even more than I do. “Soul Rest” comes when I take my hands off the wheel and give it all to Jesus – knowing He has the power to take what Satan intends for evil and bring good.
There is a funny thing about “Soul Rest” though. It can only be experienced when it is a daily thing. Really it is a moment thing. It is walking and talking with Jesus throughout-the-day. But oh… it is a GOOD thing. It is real and it is available to EVERYONE who will call on His Name. But just like any other real relationship in your life… you can’t just call His name once, forget Him and expect to enjoy the benefits of knowing Him.. He wants to walk with you daily. He loves you deeply. His arms are open and He cares for you. Do you need a little “Soul Rest”? Your Savior loves you and He is waiting…
Jesus, you know everything. You know this world is hard. You know every trouble I face and every worry on my mind. Help me Lord to rest… really rest in You. Help me to seek You every day and learn from You. I can’t walk this road alone. I need you every minute. Thank you for loving me perfectly and thank you for being the strength I need to live my life in the joy, peace and hope found only in You. Amen.
Tozer's Prayer. My Prayer
14 years ago
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