My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.
Job 42:5
I sat trying to restrain myself from the bowl of chips and
salsa when it happened. She poked my
arm and looked up at me proclaiming, “This is a picture of God.” My four-year-old niece proudly held up her
crayon drawing-- a large squiggly circle surrounded two odd-shaped, bulging
eyes. Speechless, for a moment, I
thought about the holiness of The Most High God sitting on the eternal throne
and the fact that no one has ever seen Him.
I knew the ancient Jews reverently hesitated to even write His
name. Yet, there she sat, smiling from
ear to ear; and I believe God must have been smiling too. “Oh, Ann Claire I know God must be so happy
that you were thinking enough about Him to draw a picture of Him. I bet you made Him smile.” She seemed
satisfied with my response, but I have thought about her picture for days.
I think we all draw pictures of God. Though many have given Him so little thought;
their pictures are quite featureless. Some
base pictures on the few words heard about Him long ago in a Sunday school class
or VBS. Some base pictures on totally
false information. For many, their pictures are just copies of
what others have told them their pictures should look like. But what about you? What does your picture look like?
No one has seen Him, yet God’s desire is to reveal Himself
to us. How much thought have you given
the God of the Universe, your Creator?
Do you desire to know Him? Do you search the Scriptures for the minutest
details of His character? Is He smiling
in your picture? Or is He angry? Are His
arms wide open? Is He laughing? Is He far removed from you or are you walking
arm and arm, talking about everything? Do His eyes twinkle with a sense of humor (as
when He called Samuel (I Sam 3))? Is He
strong, even fearsome but still approachable? Is He fortress and Father? Is He completely loving and all good, yet
simultaneously the Righteous Judge? Does He hold you close even when you don’t
understand Him (as Gideon asked in Judges 6:13, “if the LORD is with us, why
has all this happened to us?”) or does He turn His back and leave you alone? Is your picture black and white or full of
color and endless, unfathomable detail?
Is He your friend who is closer than a brother? Even though you have not seen Him, can you exclaim
with your heart as Job did, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen
you.” (42:5)?
Oh friend, what does your picture of God look like? Is it based on truth from His Word and
revelation of the Holy Spirit; or do you rely only on what you occasionally hear
or faint recollections from long ago? Do you daily seek to add to your painting? Do you delight in His revelations of
Himself? Do praise songs flood your heart with images
you have painted of Him? Oh yes, He is indescribable and our artwork
never complete! Truly “He is beautiful beyond description, too
marvelous for words, too wonderful for comprehension. Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp His infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of His love? He is beautiful beyond description! Majesty enthroned above!” (Hillsong). Do you stand in awe of Him? Do you really? Or have you grown bored with a
religion that has never changed your life?
You were created for relationship (real relationship) with the Living
God. Turn your eyes upon Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself. Ask Him to open your eyes. He will turn the darkness into light (Isa
42:16), vibrant, full of color, revealing-Himself light. He promises if you seek Him with all your
heart you will find Him. (Jer 29:13)… get your crayons ready! The big box!
Prayer: Oh Father, may our hearts never grow
cold. May we desire to daily know you
better. May we pursue you through your
Word. Help me to rise above the
distractions of this life and help me to see You in this day. Open my eyes to your infinite goodness. Help me to praise you more. Oh God, I know my picture of you can never
contain your marvelous majesty…yet, I want to see you. You are God with us. Most High Amazing God with me! Let me say in this life “my ears had heard of
you, but now my eyes see you.”! Amen.
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